• Visit to Italy by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Rector of the ADA University, Prof. Hafiz Pashayev and meeting at the Italian Space Agency – ASI.

    8 February 2016

    Rome, February 2016. On the occasion of the presentation of the book “Memorie di un Ambasciatore” published by Sandro Teti Editore, Ital Caspian in collaboration with the company Creasys organized a private visit of the ASI – Italian Space Agency for the Vice Minister Prof. Hafiz Pashayev.
    The meeting with the top management of the Italian ASI has been attended by the Vice Minister Pashayev, the pro-rector of the ADA University, Prof. Fariz Ismailzade, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Italy, H.E. Mammad Ahmadzada, and the counsellor at the Embassy, Mr. Samir Allahverdiyev.
    The Management of Ital Caspian with Dr. Sandro Teti and the CEO of Creasys, Eng. Giovanni Picca, have introduced the meeting, stressing the cooperation opportunities that could arise between Italian “ASI” and Azeri “Azercosmos”. To this regard, the Vice Minister Pashayev invited ASI and his Ambassador Ahmadzada to begin the dialogue between the two organizations. On behalf

    of ASI and in the name of its President, Prof. Roberto Battiston, Prof. Sergio Marchisio, Member of the Board of Directors of ASI, expressed his readiness to meet Ambassador Ahmadzada again in order to promote the issue.

    At the margins of the meeting, was held a visit to the ASI CEF – Concurrent Engineering Facility as a potential field of cooperation between ASI and Azercosmos. Concurrent Engineering is a systematic approach to integrated product development that emphasizes the response to customer expectations. It embodies team values of cooperation, trust and sharing, in such a manner that decision-making is by consensus, involving all perspectives in parallel, from the beginning of the product life cycle.

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  • SOLIANI EMC meets Turkish delegation in Italy with support of Ital Caspian

    8 February 2016

    Como, February 2016. Ital Caspian, in the frame of the collaboration established with Italia – Azerbaijan Association, organized the meeting of SOLIANI EMC with the Turkish company Ekba Holding, a company active in a number of sectors including building and defense. Eng. Ivano Soliani, CEO of SOLIANI EMC illustrated the shielding solutions offered by its company to Turkish delegates, generating the interest among the target audience who was looking for new products and technologies to offer customized solutions to its clients.
    During the meeting, Eng. Soliani agreed with the counterparts to develop a preliminary commercial agreement for the Turkish market. SOLIANI EMC is a company having head office and plant in Como specialized in research, development and manufacture of electrically conductive and shielding fabrics and components. The main areas of application are military, medical, railway, naval, aerospace, robotics and automated systems, telecommunications for military and civil use.

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  • Ital Caspian Management honored in Rome with award of the Ambassador Vaqif Sadiqov at the second edition of the event “Italia – Azerbaigian Insieme nel Futuro”

    26 December 2015

    Rome December 10, 2015. The Management of Italian Caspian Business Consulting received from the Ambassador Vaqif Sadiqov a prestigious award for the contribution given to promote the economic relations between

    Italy and Azerbaijan.
    The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Rome selected those who have contributed in 2015 to the promotion of Azerbaijan in Italy and brought Italian excellences to Azerbaijan among representatives of the civil society and professionals of culture, research, media and economy sectors.
    The event is the second edition of “Italia – Azerbaigian Insieme nel Futuro”. This initiative took place for the first time on December 2014 as a strategic forum of dialogue among all persons and professionals operating with Azerbaijan, and some 300 participants who have Azerbaijan as a major focus of their activities have attended this year.
    Ambassador Sadiqov announced the major results achieved in 2015 and the important evolutions of bilateral relations in the fields of politics, culture and economy as well as his main experiences during his 5-years mandate in Italy.
    The 2015 Edition of the event has been attended by many representatives of the political, cultural and economic sectors

    who have shown their great interest and feeling of warm friendship.

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  • Ital Caspian meets with the Head of International Relations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Samir Abdullayev

    17 December 2015

    Baku, December 2015. Ital Caspian meets with the Head of International Relations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Samir Abdullayev. Specialist trainings for Azerbaijani medical doctors in major Italian health structures, with focus on pediatric infectious diseases, has been the main topic discussed with the High Officer of the Ministry. Ital Caspian is working since long time to support international activities of important Italian public health structures and scientific societies, and confirmed the readiness of such entities to prepare and deliver trainings from the beginning of 2016 to Azerbaijani medical doctors first and then also to nurses. The meeting was also the occasion to discuss the opportunities arising for Italian organizations in the frame of the projects financed by the World Bank with Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan.

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  • Ital Caspian meets in Baku the World Bank Country Manager Mrs. Larisa Leshchenko

    30 October 2015

    Baku October 21, 2015. A cordial meeting with the Country Manager of World Bank, Mrs. Larisa Leshchenko, in the frame of the new business trip to Azerbaijan organized by Ital Caspian for Creasys srl. The Italian company presented to the

    Bank the assessment services for the Costs Estimation of complex programs, as part of its overall monitoring solution, based on the principles of ERM (Enterprise Risk Management). This solution named “ICOSMOS” is the new Cost Management Framework born from the partnership between PRICE Systems and Creasys. The solution provides to the client an integrated tools platform, and a services catalogue that have been located for managing and monitoring of complex projects/programs from the preliminary stage to the closing stage. It is a solution that the World Bank considers as extremely valuable for the beneficiaries of its loans in different sectors including Justice (e-Justice) in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan joined the World Bank in 1992 and since then, World Bank loans to the country have totaled over $3 billion spread over 55 projects. Currently, the World Bank investment portfolio in Azerbaijan includes 16 projects with a total commitment of $2 billion. During its business trip, Creasys also attended other high-level meetings with Ministry of Justice and Azeri Space Agency “Azercosmos”.

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  • Made in Italy cosmetics set a course for Azerbaijan with the support of Ital Caspian. New business trip to Baku in collaboration with Promos – Chamber of Commerce of Milan

    28 October 2015

    Baku October 19-20, 2015. In the frame of the cooperation with Promos to support the Italian companies of the beauty sector interested

    in the Azerbaijani market, Ital Caspian organized and managed two days of B2B meetings in Baku for “Betafarma”, a company born in research field, which develops and produces for third parties dermocosmetics and hygiene products, medical devices, PMI and oral hygiene since 1971. In Baku, the Italian company attended several meetings with major local pharmaceuticals distributors to whom have been presented the complete oral hygiene line “PresiDent” and “Baby Coccole”, the line of high quality products able to solve all the needs of the baby’s daily hygiene respecting the natural physiological balance of his skin.

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  • Ital Caspian for the celebration in Baku of the 2015 edition of Italian Language Week in the world

    16 October 2015

    From 19th to 24th of October, the 15th edition of the Italian Language Week will be celebrated also in Baku, Azerbaijan through a number of important events organized by the Embassy of Italy in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Association Italia-Azerbaijan.
    Ital Caspian is proud to be one of the sponsors of this great initiative for the promotion of the Italian language abroad which includes the Concert “Dialogue between Dante e Fuzuli” on October 22nd at 19,00 p.m. at Philarmoniya (organized by the Italian Embassy in Baku), and the event “Uno per Uno” on 21st of October at the Concert Hall of the Art Museum organized by the Embassy of Switzerland.

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  • Promotion of Italian Culture in Azerbaijan: Ital Caspian is a Sponsor of the Concert “ Baku Canta Napoli” at the “Uzeyir Hajibeyov International Music Festival” on September 25

    11 September 2015

    ‘Baku Canta Napoli’ is the title of the event to take place within the framework of the prestigious ‘Uzeyir Hajibeyov International Music Festival’ with State Philarmonic Orchesta of Baku conducted by Fabrizio Festa.
    The concert will feature many of the classical Neapolitan songs with participation of solo singers Tiziana Scandaletti, soprano and Samir Jafarov, tenor.
    The Festival is organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, and hosts since 2009 national and foreign musicians.

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  • Signed in Rome the Cooperation Agreement between Ital Caspian Business Consulting and the ‘Associazione Italia Azerbaijan’

    10 September 2015

    Rome, Sept. 2015. A new and important Cooperation Agreement between Ital Caspian Business Consulting and ‘Associazione Italia Azerbaijan’ established on March 20th, 2013 with the main objective of promoting the bilateral relations between Italy and Azerbaijan in the spheres of Politics, Economy, Education, Culture and Tourism. The purpose of the partnership is to provide a wide range of consulting and business support services to the companies already affiliated to the Association and to its new Members willing to enter the Azerbaijani market or strengthen their commercial or industrial presence in the Country. It is already planned the participation in the next months of Ital Caspian in the promotional events organized by the Associazione in Italy to

    present the business opportunities in Azerbaijan, including the tenders of the International Financial Institutions such as the World Bank.

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  • Ital Caspian meets in Baku the Management of the new High-Tech Park Azerbaijan: the beginning of a new important collaboration targeted to provide support to the Italian high-tech companies

    6 August 2015

    Baku – August 6, 2015. “We desire to contribute to the access of Italian companies in the field of high-tech to Azerbaijan market” told the Deputy Director of the Technological Park, Mr. Jalal Rahimov during the meeting of today with Ital Caspian at the metropolitan headquarter; Here is also located the 2.000 sq.m “Business Incubation Center” which provides space and equipment to whom is interested to develop an innovative project in the telecommunications field.

    High-Tech Park is a 50 hectares area in Pirallahi District, 40 km from the Capital, Baku. The High-Tech Park will play a key role for the sustainable development of the economy of Azerbaijan. The main objectives of the new infrastructure are: to establish a Regional technological park and to become one of the major players in the field. Two are the components of the project: implementation of innovative and competitive solutions and then provide for their marketing. The economy and the leading position of Azerbaijan in the region shall contribute to find markets for the solutions developed at High-Tech Park. Startups, residents and partner companies will be provided a very wide range of business support services as well as with profit tax relief for 7 years, Real estate and land tax relief, Value-Added-Tax relief.

    HTP is established as a company wholly owned by Azerbaijan Government reporting to the Ministry of Communication and High Technology.

    Ital Caspian in the next months will promote, in collaboration with HTP, business scouting missions to Azerbaijan for the Italian companies with focus on the following sectors: Mobile Technologies, Information Technologies, E-business, Animation graphics, Software engineering, Space and telecommunications, Robotics and mechanics, LED technologies, Biotechnologies, Medical Software Solutions, Research in energy efficiency, Alternative energy.

    For more information: www.hightech.az

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